Ingeboude sagteware - HDMI-skerm instellings 'n skermkiekie van 'n rekenaarprogram


'N Yocto-resep vir die hantering van instellings met ddcutil

DDcutil Yocto resep

Resep vir ddcutil in Yocto

Vir hierdie projek moet ons die ddcutil-biblioteek hê om toegang tot HDMI-skerminstellings via I2C te hê.

Om die ddcutil-biblioteek by u persoonlike Linux-stelsel in te sluit, moet u 'n pasgemaakte resep daarvoor skep. resep

Skep in u persoonlike metalaag 'resepte-ondersteuning / ddcutil' in u pasgemaakte metalaag. Skep binne hierdie gids 'n lêer ''.

SUMMARY = "Tool to modify display settings by ddc (hdmi)"
AUTHOR = "Sanford Rockowitz  "
LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=b234ee4d69f5fce4486a80fdaf4a4263"

BRANCH = "master"

SRCREV = "5080161b456cc6a1fd3e6db3dc537e1dcd1c809b"

PV = "1.2.2+${SRCPV}"

SRC_URI = " \
    git://;branch=${BRANCH};protocol=https; \

# disable trying to fetch from mirrors

    i2c-tools \
    libusb1 \
    libdrm \
    libgudev \

RDEPENDS_${PN} += "\
    i2c-tools \
    i2c-tools-misc \
    libdrm \

S = "${WORKDIR}/git"

    --disable-x11 --enable-drm --disable-usb --enable-lib --disable-doxygen \

inherit autotools pkgconfig

Sluit ddcutil by u beeld in

U moet die resep in u Yocto Linux insluit:

IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " ddcutil"

Dan kan jy jou beeld byt en die resultaat toets.</:code22:></:code11:>

toets ddcutil

Sommige opdragte om ddcutil te toets

Meld aan by u pasgemaakte ingebedde stelsel of koppel via SSH.

Nou kan u die ddcutil-opdrag gebruik en kyk of die implementering suksesvol was.

Verslagmonitors opgespoor

In die eerste plek kan u opspoor of 'n HDMI-monitor gekoppel en beskikbaar is via ddcutil. Gebruik die volgende opdrag:

ddcutil detect

Die uitset moet so lyk:

Display 1
   I2C bus:  /dev/i2c-3
   EDID synopsis:
      Mfg id:               IVM
      Model:                PLT2236
      Product code:         22057
      Serial number:        11402A7100051
      Binary serial number: 51 (0x00000033)
      Manufacture year:     2017,  Week: 1
   VCP version:         2.1

Kry alle instellings

Gebruik die volgende opdrag om alle instellings te kry:

ddcutil getvcp all

Die uitset moet so lyk:

VCP code 0x02 (New control value             ): No user controls are present (0xff)
VCP code 0x0b (Color temperature increment   ): 50 degree(s) Kelvin
VCP code 0x0c (Color temperature request     ): 3000 + 70 * (feature 0B color temp increment) degree(s) Kelvin
VCP code 0x10 (Brightness                    ): current value =   100, max value =   100
VCP code 0x12 (Contrast                      ): current value =    50, max value =   100
VCP code 0x14 (Select color preset           ): User 1 (sl=0x0b)
VCP code 0x16 (Video gain: Red               ): current value =   100, max value =   100
VCP code 0x18 (Video gain: Green             ): current value =   100, max value =   100
VCP code 0x1a (Video gain: Blue              ): current value =   100, max value =   100
VCP code 0x52 (Active control                ): Value: 0x00
VCP code 0x60 (Input Source                  ): DVI-1 (sl=0x03)
VCP code 0x62 (Audio speaker volume          ): current value =    49, max value =   100
VCP code 0x6c (Video black level: Red        ): current value =    50, max value =   100
VCP code 0x6e (Video black level: Green      ): current value =    50, max value =   100
VCP code 0x70 (Video black level: Blue       ): current value =    50, max value =   100
VCP code 0x8d (Audio Mute                    ): Unmute the audio (sl=0x02)
VCP code 0xac (Horizontal frequency          ): 1964 hz
VCP code 0xae (Vertical frequency            ): 60.00 hz
VCP code 0xb2 (Flat panel sub-pixel layout   ): Red/Green/Blue vertical stripe (sl=0x01)
VCP code 0xb6 (Display technology type       ): LCD (active matrix) (sl=0x03)
VCP code 0xc0 (Display usage time            ): Usage time (hours) = 1030 (0x000406) mh=0xff, ml=0xff, sh=0x04, sl=0x06
VCP code 0xc6 (Application enable key        ): 0x006f
VCP code 0xc8 (Display controller type       ): Mfg: Novatek (sl=0x12), controller number: mh=0xff, ml=0xff, sh=0x00
VCP code 0xc9 (Display firmware level        ): 0.2
VCP code 0xca (OSD                           ): OSD Enabled (sl=0x02)
VCP code 0xcc (OSD Language                  ): English (sl=0x02)
VCP code 0xd6 (Power mode                    ): DPM: On,  DPMS: Off (sl=0x01)
VCP code 0xdc (Display Mode                  ): User defined (sl=0x04)
VCP code 0xdf (VCP Version                   ): 2.1

Stel helderheid

Om die helderheid van die monitor op 50 % te stel, gebruik die volgende opdrag:

ddcutil setvcp 10 50

Kopiereg lisensie

Kopiereg © 2022 Interelectronix e.K.
Hierdie projekbronkode is gelisensieer onder die GPL-3.0 lisensie.